
I adore these shoes.

I want all three colors.

So Summer.

This sweater is now on sale.
And I want it.
I just wish there was a J. Crew nearby to try it on and see if it actually looked good on me.
I just finished my last expired Polaroid... and now I need to buy some new film. 
A while ago polaroid film was super expensive, but with Project Impossible they have made it more affordable and versatile... 

Now I have to decide which one I want... 

Chocolate? (Yum)

Blue (Dreamy)


Color (Classic)

Or B&W (Classy) 

Maybe all?


wish this was in my town.
Love this small leather travel journal...

All I need is some travels



Pieces of Jewelry I am Coveting... 

 All from Anthropologie


I want to make this beautiful string garden.

I wonder if dirt gets everywhere... 


Lately the boy and I have been thinking of ways to lessen our footprint on the world. 

One way is having our own garden. 

Then I saw this and thought that raising our own chickens for eggs wouldn't be such a bad way to go either.

I wouldn't mind having this little egg in my backyard with a few chickens...


I wouldn't mind getting old...

If I could live in here

It was built for the elderly. {beautiful}