
Well I am doing one more week of a Veggie Juice Fast/Feast, which will make that two weeks total. It has been quite an interesting experience. I really have felt much healthier and have had tons more energy. I am hoping that I can do it again mid-February till mid-March (a whole month), so we will see how that goes. Well I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Here are some things that I found interesting this week.

This looks like it would be really fun... a bit scary at first... but then beautiful!!

Wonderful quote by our First Lady.

How to build the perfect fort. {Perfect for those rainy/snowy nights}

I'm hoping this keeps me on track for the New Year.

This Phantom seems so interesting... and look at all the detail that went into their displays!!

An interesting look on celebrity marriage and divorce.

(the picture is of my fridge and all the wonderful veggies via